Something that always boosts my self esteem for the day is getting the recommended amount of water. No matter what, I always have a bottle of water with me and I’m constantly filling up my Brita filter. Water is good for you in so many ways, getting the recommended amount of water always makes me feel extra good about myself. But why is water so important? Your body is made of 55%-75% of water. In order to be considered dehydrated you need to loose 10% of your body weight in fluids. Loosing only 2% can still cause tiredness, dull critical thinking abilities, and effect athletic performance. Some symptoms of being dehydrated are being extra thirsty, feeling extra tired, headaches, a dry mouth, little or no urination, muscle weakness, dizziness, and being light headed.

The amount of fluids we loose through out the day may be more than you think. If you go to the bathroom 6 times a day we loose 6 cups of fluids, sweating through out the day without exercise you loose two cups, when you breathe normally your lungs expel 2-4 cups of water, and when your feet sweat you loose 1 cup. That is why it is important to drink a lot of water to make up for the fluids you loose. There are many approaches to getting the enough water. The recommended amount is 64 oz. My favorite way to drink the full 64 oz is carrying a 16 oz water bottle and filling it up 4 times. They also make 64 oz water bottles to make it easier for people. You should also concentrate on eating foods that have high water content like fruits and veggies.
When it comes down to it, water is good for everything; it is a major part of every system in our bodies. It helps with sleep, gives you energy, helps you concentrate, prevents cancer, prevents osteoporosis, gives you healthier skin, helps you eliminate body wastes, improves eye health, helps you loose weight, maintains muscle tone, regulates body temperature; the benefits are endless. So next time you leave the house or dorm don’t forget your water bottle!
Wow! I always knew that water was important, but I never knew how much our body actually used in just a single day without even considering exercise. I too can almost always been seen with my water bottle. I find I often get headaches if I don't drink enough water throughout the day. Also, it was great to learn some of the added benefits of water consumption such as improved eye health!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the information! I try and drink a lot of water each day but hey sometimes it just does happen like i want. And good to know that being hydrated will help keep me awake more
ReplyDeleteThis is a really important topic. I never really used to worry about drinking tons of water throughout the day. This semester I have tried to have a lot through the day because it really makes me feel more energetic. I have also noticed that I haven't gotten sick as often as usual. Water is more important than most people think.
ReplyDeleteWow. I never realized how much our body needed water, and how quickly it can be expeled through our body, causing us to drink more. I always drink water and thought I was drinking enough, but since reading this and seeing that 64oz. is the recommendation, I really need to drink more. Seeing where else I could get water from is a great help too, I'll be sure to get the recommended amount now!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's definitely a lot more water we lose than I would have thought. Playing sports on hot days, I know first hand that you can get dehydrated very quickly. There are times I've felt like I just stepped out of the shower even though I've just been sweating. Good to know how much we lose normally, and what exactly we need to do to stay healthy.