Thursday, November 19, 2009

Seat Belt Safety

For my last blog I decided to share why I think seat belts are so important. Out of all the causes of death, I feel like car accidents is the most controllable. Our country can decrease our death rate also by eating healthier and getting more exercise, but for most lazy people who just don’t care, that’s hard. Putting on a seat belt takes 3 seconds and it saves lives. I’m sure everyone is linked somehow to someone who died in a car accident but would be here today if they had a seat belt on. A study showed that only 68% of people buckle up. If that number went up to 90% we would prevent more than 5,500 deaths and 132,000 injuries. By increasing that percentage our country would also save $8.8 billion because we pay for the car crashes in our higher taxes, health care, and insurance costs. A hospital bill for someone not buckled is 50% higher than someone who is buckled. There shouldn’t be any excuse to not buckle up, some of the most common excuses are it is too tight, only going a short distance, I forgot, I’m in a rush, and many more. Well, a lot of car accidents happen close to home you can loosen a seat belt, your stupid if you actually forgot, and it takes 3 seconds so being in a rush is no excuse. Sometimes I hear people say they don’t wear their seat belt because they or someone they know got in a car accident and would of died if they were in a seat belt and stuck in their car, that is a one in a million chance that that happens. So every time you get in your car, think of the people that would be with us today if they took 3 seconds to buckle up and do it for them.

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