Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Don't let Antioxidants go to Waste!

Do you usually keep a jug of orange juice in your fridge? I think we all do and it usually stays in there for about 2-3 weeks. If I have one it lasts longer because I’m not a huge orange juice drinker. Well, this may get you drinking your OJ a little faster. I recently read online that certain liquids lose their antioxidant benefits after a certain amount of time. These liquids include orange juice, honey, olive oil, and green tea. They lose their benefits when exposed to oxygen, heat, or light.

· Orange Juice- When you open your bottle of OJ keep in mind that only one week later all the antioxidant benefits are lost. A way to avoid this happening is not only drinking the juice but researching some recipes using OJ such as an orange chicken or there are many deserts that use orange juice. Frozen concentrate is exposed to less light and air which will have the most vitamin C.

· Olive Oil- We are definitely crazy about olive oil in my house. We use olive oil in everything as a healthier choice than butter. After 6 months of storage the oxygen bubbles destroy 40% of the 45 heart-healthy antioxidants. My family goes through a Costco size jug of olive oil in less than 6 months, so we’re safe. For people that don’t use it as often, I would consider buying the smallest size bottle as possible and try using it more often. Some healthy and easy ways to use olive oil are sprinkling salad with it or making your own dressing, dipping whole wheat bread in it, sprinkling vegetables with it, or making pesto sauce.

· Green Tea- I love drinking tea, I’m usually a coffee drinker but I try and switch to tea because it’s a much healthier choice. They have so many different flavors of tea that every time I’m at the grocery store I’m sucked into the huge tea section and I buy a new flavor. Because of this I always have a ton of tea sitting in my cabinets. Tea is full of an antioxidant called catechins that are linked to reducing some types of cancer. After 6 months of storage the catechins decrease 32%. To avoid this I would suggest buying tea that is naturally caffeinated and drinking one in the mornings. They also have “Sleepy Time” teas that are naturally non caffeinated. They have soothing aromas and contain zero calories. One of these before bed is a good idea, especially on a cold winter night!
· Honey- If your like my family and I, you have a jar of honey that someone gave you for a Christmas present and it’s been sitting in the cabinet for years. Once in a great while I’ll make a recipe that calls for honey or I’ll see my dad throw some in his tea or coffee. Cleary my honey has lost its antioxidants. After 6 months honey looses 50% of its antioxidants. A smart choice for honey lovers is buckwheat honey because it has more antioxidants to begin with.


  1. Very interesting post! I really didnt know that orange juice loses its antioxidant value over time. Im not a huge orange juice drinker because I dont buy the groceries in my house, but when its in there I usually drink it moderately. Being generally educated in nutrition, I have a relative knowledge of the benefits of these different things, and I usually consume them knowingly.

  2. This post is very informative. I never really worried about green tea, olive oil or honey going bad. I guess I have always just been more concerned with bad meat, chicken or vegetables. Its great to be reminded to go through your cabinets and replace any old products. Also, as for the orange juice I had know idea. Do you think that solid bottles oppossed to clear bottles help preserve antioxidant content while juices are refrigerated under the lights?
